Monday, June 8, 2009


Amelia is one month old today. So hard to believe, but true!!! She's starting to smile at us and makes lots of cute noises... coos and goos and whatnot. And as of today, she is no longer broken! Yay! Her fractured arm is healed.

We met with the pediatric orthopedist today and she took an x-ray that showed Amelia's arm to be healing nicely, so we no longer have to immobilize her more pins, and she can start wearing onesies and short sleeved tops! WOO HOO!! We also got to see the original x-rays from the day she was born and all I can say is thank goodness I didn't see the x-rays at that time... we learned today that it was a 38 degree break. Yup... the bones were at a 38 degree angle. OUCH.

What's next? Well, we'll be starting physical therapy as soon as we get the go ahead from the doctor we saw today, and then we'll need to see a brachial plexus specialist at Children's Memorial Hospital. She told us that we'd be hard pressed to find a better doctor in this specialty in the Midwest. Thank goodness I stayed with my hospital throughout all 3 pregnancies... I always hoped not to need their affiliation with CMH, but I'm thankful for it.

Dr. Carl was unable to give us much information about Amelia's particular brachial plexus injury, but I've done a little bit of reading and I'm optimistic. I'm anxious to see how she responds to the therapy and what movement we'll see now that her arm is no longer immobile.

Tomorrow, I plan to take a picture of Amelia with her free arm! I'm so excited!!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so thankful her arm has healed nicely. I can understand why the doc didn't show you the break then. You had enough trauma to deal with. I'm glad for you and Amelia's new freedom! =)
